On July 1, 2021, the VNA Foundation of Greater North Penn proudly launches its Inclusion Grants program. Inspired by the health access inequities exposed (or exacerbated) by the “dual pandemics” of COVID-19 and racial injustice, and in response to numerous one-on-one conversations with our grantee partners, the VNA Foundation’s Inclusion Grants are for specific projects designed to increase access to health and human services for under-resourced people of color, immigrants & refugees, and/or English Language Learners in the North Penn region.
Inclusion grants will provide up to $30,000 per organization in multi-year project funding, with additional Research Grants available for up to $2500. The process is intentionally flexible with no hard deadlines, and we will accept and review Letters of Inquiry on a rolling basis from July 1, 2021 through March 1, 2022, communicating with applicants at every step along the way. If applicants have limited English proficiency and wish to schedule a session to communicate project goals via phone or Zoom with the use of a translator (rather than in written form online), the VNA Foundation would gladly accommodate those requests.
Curious to know what the Letter of Inquiry will ask? For a downloadable copy of the questions on the Letter of Intent form, please click here. (Note: We ask that submissions take place through our online portal unless other accommodations have been discussed.)
Organizations applying for these grants may be at all different levels of “readiness” for this work, and the VNA Foundation is eager to meet you where you are. Potential applicants are encouraged to view the full INCLUSION GRANT DESCRIPTION to learn more, logon to our Online Grants Portal to begin the application process, and/or contact Diana Doherty at ddoherty@npvnafoundation.org with questions or to discuss project idea(s) before submission.
In surveys and one-on-one conversations during 2020-2021, VNAF grantee partners expressed a need for this type of support to reach more diverse racial/ethnic populations in North Penn area whose barriers to health services were exposed or exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Below are links to some background reading on the “dual pandemics” of COVID-19 and racial injustice that also helped inform this grant program’s goals:
COVID-19 Racial and Ethnic Disparities (cdc.gov)
Beyond the Case Count: Wide-Ranging Disparities COVID-19 in U.S. | Commonwealth Fund
Stop AAPI Hate Mental Health Report – Stop AAPI Hate
Health Disparities by Race and Ethnicity – Center for American Progress
Working together over the coming years, we can begin the long but critical journey that will make equitable access to quality health and human services a reality for everyone in the North Penn region. We at the VNA Foundation hope to hear from you to learn how we might support you in your efforts!