What do you love about the greater North Penn region?
I have lived in the North Penn region since 1977 and have always found a strong sense of community present. This includes individuals and corporate partners and church communities. All these people have a deep concern for the wellbeing of others in our community and lend their volunteer efforts as well as their financial contributions to make the community a better place for all.
What other roles, personal and/or professional, have you played that help inform your Board service?
I am retired now but, in my career, I served as an Executive Director of a local nonprofit organization. This role helped to give me knowledge of the nonprofit community and the challenges faced by our grantees.
What has been the most meaningful part of your connection to the VNA Foundation?
My time on the Board of the VNA Foundation has enabled me to stay engaged with the nonprofit community of service providers. It is rewarding to be associated in some small way with all the good work being done to strengthen our community.